Signed Sealed Delivered
The Impossible Dream
Moon Water Productions / Muse Entertainment Enterprises : The Hallmark Channel / Muse Distribution International
8 / 10

This movie is the apotheosis of what the series represents. In the film, not only are the issues of hope when things appear blackest are addressed but so are the concepts of sacrifice, love, obsession, and truth above all else. All of this is Signed Sealed Delivered in the usual heartwarming package that leaves you with a warm feeling and thinking that everything is right with the world.
The writers, Matha Williamson (the stories creator) and Brandi Harkonen do another wonderful job as intertwining a myriad of events into an enjoyable show. This is actually a continuation and conclusion of the story from "Truth Be Told" as the Postables are taken before a Closed Senate Committee regarding national security. As they tell their story, in a roundabout fashion of information that's come into their possession concerning the whereabouts of Lieutenant Randilynn Amidon; the missing mother of Pheobe from the last film. Their testimonies are interspersed with scenes of Lieutenant Amidon in Afghanistan. All of this coincides with the Postal Pageant to find the next Miss Special Delivery, in which Rita is enrolled. If this isn't enough then Steve, Shane's old love, is back and helping the team to find the missing Lieutenant.
On the whole, all of this is handled superbly, and I particularly loved the opening titles with the Postables marching side by side into the Committee meeting, the bit with Norman brought a smile to my face and a laugh to my throat. Director Kevin Fair does some nice shots and segues, however, there are some sections which let the film down a little and these are mainly confined to the outdoor Afghanistan scenes. If it weren't for these then I may have given the film a Ten.
The cast once again is impeccable and right on target with their characters and their portrayals. Mark Valley gives off the right sense of power and swarthiness that you can understand what Shane saw in him. Zak Santiago is back as the brilliant Ramon Rodriguez. Christina Bianco is great as Mindy, one of the contestants in the pageant, and boy does she can wail.
Do I recommend watching this movie, I do and strongly. However, because of the characters and their back stories, I think you would get better enjoyment from this movie if you had watched the series and previous movies. It's well worth it.