Dragon Hunter
Ground Glass Entertainment / Dragon Hunter Films : Cinedigm / IndieReign / Koan / Metrodome Video Ltd.
5 / 10

Since this is a story about a man who is a Dragon Hunter in a world of Orcs, Elves, and Dragons you would expect to find this review in the Fantasy section. However, as a fantasy film, it pretty well sucks. The Dragon is only in the movie for a few minutes and the orcs you see are just a band of five, dispatched in seconds, and the special effects for them are quite weak, they're just men in masks. The Dragon, on the other hand, is a pretty decent CGI for a low budget flick.
Realising the budget wouldn't be so large the writer and director, Stephen Shimek, decided to make it about the journey of brothers Darius and Kendrick, played strongly by Erik Denton and Maclain Nelson respectively, take to get to the Castle Okarda to train the last Dragon Hunter. On the way, they for alliances with a band of soldiers who accompany them on their mission.
As a drama, it's an above-average film with some really nice camera shots. I particularly liked the way Shimek created the love scene between Darius and the Elfin Raya, portrayed elegantly by Kelly Stables. There's a nice chemistry between the pair and as they move in for their first kiss a rain shower starts, and you know what the rain drop hitting the leaf really represents.
The actors have above average acting skills and give the most to their roles.
The only things that irked me were the amount of time the journey took; they walked a lot... and must have passed the same tree at least three times, this slowed the film down quite a bit... not to the point of boredom, but close. Then there was the swordplay when the Hunter was training. It would've been advisable to bring in an expert to show them how to wield a sword correctly.
This is not a fast and action-packed movie it's a slow meander through the fantasy realm and therefore not for everyone. I enjoyed it thought I wouldn't rush to watch it again... or ever.
If there's nothing else to watch and you can't get out the house for some reason, then this could pass the time quite well.
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